Sunday Salutes 03.10.13…but since I’m late…THANKFUL THURSDAY it is;) xo



1. To an awesome fun filled trip to STL…I LOVE my family!! A road trip to Louisville with my sisters Amy, Kari, Kelli and Molly and my cousin Laura to the P!nk concert…”Walk this way…we’re walking, we’re walking…” and “man that looks like a soft …pillow…” ladies thanks for the laughs and memories – ♥ you all!

2. To P!nk for being a freaking amazing performer and bad ass rocker – what a show – thank you!!

3. To my bestie Lisa, for 25 years of friendship and going strong…you know me like no other…shhhh;) Love you!

4. To Zoe, my fitness accountability partner and 2 years later still going strong…I’m so thankful for your friendship! And one of these days we will meet face to face!! Thank you for making my life “sparkle” with, what a sweet and thoughtful surprise!

5. To Gretchen, thank you for one of the most amazing letters I have received in the mail from a friend:) You’re an awesome friend and I’m happy you are in my life! Life really is brighter and fuller when you decide to live the dream everyday;)

6. To my BeBloodyFit Team – YOU ROCK!! You make me a better and stronger person everyday – wahooo!! Are you ready to join me…us?!!

7. To completing week 9 and now 4 days into week 10 of Les Mills Pump – WOW!! My body is transforming into the image I had in my head 6 months ago…making goals come true!! It’s amazing to feel and see it happen – hard work, goal setting, and being true to you will lead you to what you want…it’s not always easy but I choose to make it happen every day.

8. To being flu free…although after the weekend with runny noses and coughs from my nieces and nephews…I am beginning to feel a “bug” but my plan…squash it!!;) Listen to your body!

9. To all my family and friends (near and far; old and new) on FB, twitter, and Instagram who are sending me messages about their fitness journey and thanking me for inspiring and motivating them…THANK YOU for your daily support and motivation – together we are stronger, together we hold each other accountable, together we share our highs/lows and push through it! I am LOVING what I’m doing!

10. To my awesome 4th period Bodyshaping class – they all did a great job presenting their Yoga Salutations to the class…last week…Namaste! I might have a few future yoga instructors and yes I told them they would be great;)

Bonus: To my man, Brian thank you for your unconditional love and support – YOU ROCK MY WORLD, baby:-* xo

Sunday Salutes 02.24.13 – this week is dedicated to living YOUR dream!

Sunday Salutes 02.24.13 – this week is dedicated to living YOUR dream!

1. To the joys of a week off and living the dream…meeting up with friends in the afternoon for walking and talking, sleeping in past 5:30am, working out in the morning, living by my “life bell” vs “school bell”, I could go on, feel free to add to the list…haha

2. To receiving one of the most amazing Thank You letters from an amazing girl and friend Gretchen Gray – not many make me speechless but this girl did – big hugs and much love!!

3. To setting goals, seeing them through, and continually making new ones…the journey has not been easy, life happens and I’ve hit some bumps along the way…but I’m looking at the physical changes and what I envisioned for my body is happening; I’m looking at my lifestyle and although still a work in progress I’m living the best balanced healthy lifestyle for me right now; I’m looking at where my life is headed and I think I made that happen…always believe in you and your dreams…we always look to others to “bet” on us, why not you bet on you and make it happen!

4. To pushing play and finishing strong with week 7 of Les Mills Pump!! Bring on week #8!!  This is my 3rd home workout program (love all of them), my main goal with this program was tone/sculpt and it’s happening down 5lbs (140 to 135lb), down 1in in my waist (31 to 30in), down 2in off my hips (36 to 34in) – ahhhh thanks Beachbody – love the complete package of a home workout program and Shakeology – I’m healthier than I have ever been – DAMN – feel the energy;)

5. To another week of staying FLU FREE…more positive vibes out to those recovering, those in the midst and those who feel the onsets – take care of you, rest up, and hope you’re 100% soon!

6. To my LOVE of Trader Joe’s…that’s all! If you love them, you know what I mean:)

7. To LOVING my life on Alki Beach…everyday I walk along the beach and see the mountains and Seattle skyline…I am thankful that I live here:)

8. To my love and I’ll admit it…addiction to #hashtags on instagram and twitter…#ItsFuntoMe #WhatCanISay #IllNeverStop #BeBloodyFit #PositiveVibes #LivingLovingLaughing

9. To starting from season 1 with the series Parks and Recreation…hilarious from the jump!

10. To my awesome family…you make me smile and fill me with sunshine everyday…thank you…big hugs and love always:-*

Cheers to love and living a healthy lifestyle:)



Sunday Salutes 02.17.13 – this week is dedicated to LOVE<3


Sunday Salutes 02.17.13 – this week is dedicated to LOVE<3

1. To making it through a tough couple of weeks at work…some weeks the physical, mental, and emotional are in full force…I’m very thankful to work with an awesome girl who makes me smile every day.

2. To pushing play everyday, even late on a few nights this week (7 and 8pm) and completing week 6 of Les Mills Pump…I mean HOLY SHIIIFITNESS…I can’t believe how lean and strong my body is becoming…I hit a big milestone – 30lbs on the chest and back track (dead rows and clean press) in Pump and Shred…I’m seeing amazing results check out…

3. To finding a love of Brussel Sprouts…eat your greens;) I’ve been purchasing them at Trader Joe’s – chopping in 1/2 or 1/4s and cooking in a pan for about 8min in between med and med-high add other veggies and meat as/if desired…they are so tasty in my quinoa, salads, and this morning in my eggs (I was out of spinach so gave it a try…YUM).

4. To the return of WALKING DEAD last Sunday…zombies, blood, and guts…OH MY! **Good reminder to get your CARDIO in as it is the first rule of Zombieland;)

5. To enjoying way more chocolate than a girl should have been allowed in a week and enjoying every minute of it;) When’s the Easter Bunny coming?!

6. To finally seeing THOR…the pieces are coming together!

7. To another week of staying FLU FREE…more positive vibes out to those recovering, those in the midst and those who feel the onsets – take care of you, rest up, and hope you’re 100% soon!

8. To a fun positive girl-vibe “book club” this week…it’s really awesome connecting and being around like-minded really cool women. Cheers ladies!!

9. To LOVE – ahhhh:-* and a very sweet, fun, and loving Valentine’s Day – xo baby!  And to all of you…big hugs and positive vibes out to you always!:)

10. To my awesome family…you make me smile and fill me with sunshine everyday…thank you…big hugs and love always:-*

Cheers to love and living a healthy lifestyle:)



Sunday Salutes 02.10.13

Sunday Salutes 02.10.13

1. To the NINJA Kitchen System Pulse – YOU are rockin my world – LOVING this blender!!  Ummm any item that comes with not one but THREE blender cups for on the go, I’m IN…plus, makes a mean tasty shake – I give this 2 thumbs up!!

2.  To enjoying some new fun, clever shows this year…have you watched The Neighbors, or The New Normal?  I’m loving them!  Do you have any new favs?

3.  To cleaning out my closets…seriously, it’s been a week of “life purging”…clothes, papers, things that were in boxes that I wasn’t using…buuuu-bye…ahhh feels so amazing.

4. To pushing play everyday and completing week 5 of Les Mills Pump…heading into week 6, phase 2, Pump and Shred…LOVING this workout, strong and lean!  Brian Holler and I can’t believe the results we are seeing so far…thanks Team Beachbody Coach 411 Marcie Reinhardt – Be Bloody Fit Shakeology®

5. To ONE more week and then mid-winter break – ahhhh – count down begins….NOW;)

6. To being cable free for 3 weeks and ohhhh my goodness, I’m still alive;)  Do you watch your fav shows on the right night at the right time?  I never did and was basically spending way to much $$ on cable to record shows on a DVR, now I watch them through hulu+ – pretty sweet.  BONUS:  You will find other ways to fill your time…engage in more conversations, read a book, workout, get outside for a walk, watch only your favs and find you have more time because you don’t veg out on random “crap” tv.

7. To frozen mango – mmmm you are a tasty new addition to my morning Shakeology!

8. To another week of staying FLU FREE…more positive vibes out to those recovering, those in the midst and those who feel the onsets – take care of you, rest up, and hope you’re 100% soon!

9.  To catching up with my best friend from college – girl YOU are awesome and I miss you – thank you for always being a true awesome fun loving friend who I always love connecting with…Big hugs and love always! xo

10. To my awesome family…you make me smile and fill me with sunshine everyday…thank you…big hugs and love always:-*

Cheers and wishing you the best of weeks to come and to Believing In YOU!

xo, ME

Sunday Salutes 01.27.13 Making It Happen

Sunday Salutes 01.27.13 – this week is dedicated to…Making It Happen…Cheers!

1. To the beauty of BACK to BACK 3 day weekends – wahooo! Watch out…a girl could get used to this;)

2. To completing week 3 of Les Mills Pump – loving the results – super fun intense workout! Burn Baby Burn!

3. To knocking another goal off my list…#3 for the month of January – today I became a certified PiYo Strength instructor – now time to practice and start teaching!

4. To heading into the last semester of the school year and to making it through the first…cheers my teacher friends – working hard and making it happen everyday!!

5. To being cable free…good-bye Comcast…come to find out YOU ARE NOT the future of awesome, I AM;) plus I have a less expensive way to watch my shows that I don’t watch at the right time or day anyway…bu-bye!

6. To edamame – mmmm you have been a tasty warm snack for me this week:)

7. To another week of staying FLU FREE…more positive vibes out to those recovering, those in the midst and those who feel the onsets – take care of you, rest up, and hope you’re 100% soon!

8. To being proud of me for taking charge and creating the life I have envisioned…thank you to my family and friends for the support, love, and encouragement…it’s only just begun…who’s coming with me?!! Let’s go for a ride:)

9. To my nephews, Jackson and Ezmund who celebrated their 5th Birthday’s this weekend – HIGH FIVE BOYS!!

10. To my awesome family…you make me smile and fill me with sunshine everyday…thank you…big hugs and love always:-*

Cheers and wishing you the best of weeks to come and to Making It Happen!

xo, ME

Sunday Salutes 01.20.13

LOVE 01.16.13

Sunday Salutes 01.20.13 – look back on your week and be thankful…

1.  To the beauty of a 3 day weekend…what, Monday??

2.  To completing week 2 of Les Mills Pump – getting stronger every day – PuMp and BuRn!

3.  To gaining more awareness of myself through my “clean sweep” – amazing what you will come across while cleaning out your closet that hits you deep and all the sudden you realize all these accomplishments, paths you’ve taken right and wrong have led you right to where you’re supposed to be, making dreams and goals come true along the way…amazed at how many goals I have written and achieved..shed some proudful tears…feeling “cleansed” in a way I wasn’t expecting when I decided to get ride of items.

4.  Fuji Apples – I love your sweet and crispness – you’ve been a great mid-day $.89lb at Safeway, mmmK;)

5.  To the mid-week roses surprise from my man – came on a day I really needed some inspiration and motivation (picture posted on Wednesday) so sweet!

6.  To a successful week of student led FITness Challenges and an awesome “team teacher” Cooper you ROCK!

7.  To another week of staying FLU FREE…more positive vibes out to those recovering, those in the midst and those who feel the onsets – take care of you, rest up, and hope you’re 100% soon!

8.   To connecting with family and friends randomly through text messages – so fun to get a “thought of you” text – brightens your day, sparks memories (hopefully only good ones…if bad  – take a look at the relationship).  Your mission:  Pay It Forward, this is my “thinking of you” text – Thank you for making me smile everyday – xoxo!  This week, send a random “thinking of you” text to a family member or friend:)  Spread the LOVE!

9.  To registering for PiYo instructor certification next Sunday 01.27.13 – goal #2 of 2013.

10.  To my awesome family…you make me smile and fill me with sunshine everyday…thank you…big hugs and love always:-*