Be Your Own Hero…

own hero
I Am My Own Hero.   Have you or do you feel this way?!  What have you done to be your own hero?!  I have been feeling this way as I accomplish goals, set new ones, check things off my to-do list, add new to-dos and as I progress through my workouts feeling stronger and trying new poses to test my strength.  I’m creating and building the life I want to live…it’s happening and I did it myself.  …I knew I had to make life changes 2 years ago or the cycle I was in would continue to repeat and I couldn’t continue living the way I was…bad eating habits, enjoying cocktails way more often and way more than necessary (causing a day of recovery – what happens in your 30s – haha), feeling unfulfilled in my career, and not making decisions that would propel me to push forward as the strong person I am.
Yes I had friends and family telling me good job, proud of you but they weren’t trying to make life changes and some of them were part of my temptations I was changing so I utilized my Beachbody friends for accountability and pushed through.  I’m thankful for the support from others but it was me who made the decision everyday to improve and I focused on my goals, how I was feeling after just a week, after a month, and so on, and I had to continue to remember how far I had/have come and it becomes easier and you become stronger and life just starts changing and you see clearly and the life you were creating you see developing right before your eyes and you are living it…what a feeling!!
I knew the key was getting my fitness and health back on track and once I began  my world started to change immediately…small changes leading to life long habits.  It doesn’t happen over night, I work on it daily and now after 2 years it’s natural and my norm:)  I have balanced my life and I’m living a healthy lifestyle that allows me to have my fitness/health, social/fun, relationships, and career work together  Yes. I have good and bad days, but I set goals and I choose me…I AM MY OWN HERO!  I choose me, my health, and my positive relationships over any bad choice any day of the week..I’m still working on things I always will it’s a lifestyle you have to work it for it to stay;)  I’m happy I chose me…I’m in a better place physically, mentally, and emotionally and am ready to continue to reach my big goals and see the endless opportunities.  Do not hesitate to message me or ask me questions I’m here to help – we need each other to be accountable and hold us to our goals!  Cheers to living a healthy, fit and fun life!   xo
1.  Clean and Press
2.  Sliding Hover (what?!!)  My abs!
3.  Random just seeing how my form/body
4.  Love this stretch – basically childs pose but right arm crosses and left arm goes under (switch)
5.  Hand Stand – YES!!  I can do one:)
6.  Favorite stretch – ahhhh feels soooo good!
7 and 8.  Abs are getting so strong
9.  Mac Raise – awesome for shoulders!

Friday Night…Head Stands?!! I didn’t know my own strength…

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Hey, ma look what I can do!!  AHHHHH, I’m so excited and addicted…haha I don’t think I have ever been able to do this and yesterday at school I tried it for the first time (in a long time) on a turf field with my students and as I raised …my legs straight up with ease which was a complete surprise, I was thinking…WOW…you are way stronger than you think…holy shhhh!!  So I had to take pics for proof;)  Have you ever amazed yourself with your own strength?!
I’ll be 37 next month and I’m the strongest I’ve ever been physically, mentally, and emotionally…my body and mind are so connected it’s the most amazing feeling.  Thank you Les Mills Pump, Beachbody and Shakeology® I’ve been looking for way too long for the perfect combo for living a healthy lifestyle and 2 years ago in April, 2 days after my 35th birthday…I started my journey with TurboFire ready for big changes.  I let go of some negative vibes and relationships and came back to me, my love of fitness, my love of setting big goals and crushing them, my love of competing with myself and others, my drive to be more and do more, my love and zest for life which was already high energy has even reached a new level.
When you decide to make changes for you, there is nothing that should stop you…I’m learning and creating as I go along and kicking habits and creating new as I go…I’m not dieting (ugh horrible word), I’m changing my lifestyle and that takes time, and it’s worth it…I’m 2 years in and there is no looking back…everyday is a new day you continue to push and become stronger and as the days go by you notice the small changes becoming the big changes and that has helped me in creating the healthy lifestyle that works best for me…a balance of life, love, relationships (family/friends), fitness/health, career, and fun.  You can do anything you set your mind to!!  Cheers to living a healthy and BeBloodyFit life!! xo, MESee More